- Filters are designed according to DIN 19605/19643/18820 standards
and constructed according to AD-Merkblatt N1 and BS. - Filters are equipped with nozzle plate and high quality nozzles.
- Flanges, internal components, piping and support legs are made from GRP.
- Maximum working temperature: 40°C.
- Maximum working pressure: 2,5 bar
- Test presure: 3,75 bar
- 5 years warranty
Aditional options:
- Cylindrical height increasing: +3% per 100 mm.
- Working pressure filters 4 bar: price +25% (factor 1,25).
- Working pressure filters 6 bar: price +40% (factor 1,40).
- Bed height 1500 mm: +9%
- Vinylester lining for ozone (concentration max. 1 ppm): +10%
- Other flanges dimension on request

- Filters are designed according to EN 13121-3 standard
- Filters are equipped with nozzle plate and high quality nozzles (KSH).
- Flanges, interior components, piping and support legs are made from GRP.
- Maximum working temperature: 40°C.
- Maximum working pressure: 2,5 bar
- Test presure: 3,75 bar.
- 5 years warranty
Aditional options:
- Cylindrical height increasing: +3% per 100 mm.
- Bed height 1500 mm: +9%
- Vinylester lining for ozone (concentration max. 1 ppm): +10%
- Working pressure filters 4 bar: price +25% (factor 1,25).
- Working pressure filters 6 bar: price +40% (factor 1,40).

- Internal liner of the filter vessel is designed in accordance with EN 13121-3 standard
- Filters are equipped with lateral nozzle system.
- Inlet/Outlet flanges are made from GRP.
- Internal components and piping are made from PVC.
- Maximum working temperature: 40°C.
- Maximum working pressure: 2,5 bar.
- Test presure: 3,75 bar.
- 5 years warranty.
Aditional options:
- Cylindrical height increasing: +3% per 100 mm.
- Bed height 1500 mm: +9%
- Vinylester lining for ozone (concentration max. 1 ppm): +10%
- Working pressure filters 4 bar: price +25% (factor 1,25).
- Working pressure filters 6 bar: price +40% (factor 1,40).

- Filters are designed according to EN 13121-3 standard
- Filters are equipped with special lateral system wich allow backwash with 50 m/h.
- Inlet/outlet flanges are made from GRP.
- Internal components and piping are made from PVC.
- Maximum working temperature: 40°C.
- Maximum working pressure: 2,5 bar.
- Test presure: 3,75 bar.
- 5 years warranty
Aditional options:
- Vinylester lining for ozone (concentration max. 1 ppm): +10
- Working pressure filters 4 bar: price +25% (factor 1,25).
- Working pressure filters 6 bar: price +40% (factor 1,40).

- Manufactured and calculated according to EN 13121-3.
- Design pressure 2,5 Kg/cm² | Test pressure 3,75 Kg/cm².
- Sight glass included.
- GRP Flanged connec tions.
- Special top diffuser for flat filter bed
- Elliptical top manhole.
- Litfing lug.
- GRP reinforced internal piping.
- Bottom emptying hole.
- Design temperature 40ºC.

- Manufactured and calculated according to EN 13121-3.
- Design pressure 2,5 Kg/cm² | Test pressure 3,75 Kg/cm².
- Lateral access manhole.
- Sight glass.
- Design temperature 40ºC.
- Special diffuser for Sand / AFM .

- 1 bar Max. pressure.
- Quick opening device.
- 316 Stainless steel Ø4 mm hole.
- Extremely robust.
- Designed for suction side

AFM® ng is a unique self-sterilising and fully bio-resistant filter media that was developed to prevent the formation of harmful volatile disinfection by-products such as Trichloramines and THMs. AFM® ng filters particles down to 1 micron, provides substantial backwash water savings and outlasts all other filter media.

Tačke za podizanje i transport izrađene od GRP ojačanog čelikom.

Stakleni otvor SG1 u DN200 veličini. Staklo napravljeno od otpornog akrila.

PVC prirubnice premium kvaliteta sa ojačanjem. Mogu biti orijentisane prema zahtevima klijenta.

GRP ploča sa mlaznicama sa PP mlaznicama

Sistem laterala

PVC levak premium kvaliteta sa ojačanjem