Best API Courses & Certificates Online 2024

The steps along the way feels like a very natural progression of difficulty and the concepts are always easy to follow. When developing REST APIs, our clients are usually web apps or mobile apps. That’s in contrast to when we make websites, where the clients are usually the users themselves. API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries. Examples of APIs include the ability to log into a site using your Facebook login credentials, or paying for something online using your PayPal account. In this example, if the requested item is not found, the API returns a 404 Not Found error with a custom error message.

  • Jose is very clear, coherent and goes step by step to explain difficult concepts in an easy way which makes learning a delightful experience.
  • This course will guide you in creating simple, intermediate, and advanced REST APIs including authentication, deployments, databases, and much more.
  • I am excited about what I have learned here and I am looking forward to using the information at work and at home.
  • We do assume you know basic Python
    concepts but advanced features and knowledge of
    MongoDB, Flask, and REST is not required.
  • In this course you will see the entire application clearly
    built in front of your eyes.
  • Examples of APIs include the ability to log into a site using your Facebook login credentials, or paying for something online using your PayPal account.

I really liked, the teacher is going step by step and building the app from simple way, congratulations Jose. Still am learning alot yes It would be better if you can process a little bit faster teacher knows a lot about content but how he teaches is not for someone very new to the content of the course. Jose does a great job of explaining his examples with enough detail to get your learning started. Jose is very clear, coherent and goes step by step to explain difficult concepts in an easy way which makes learning a delightful experience. APIs are needed in a wide variety of industries, providing many opportunities in full-time or consulting roles for API Engineers.

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Highly recommended, especially for the production setup on digitalocean server. I am excited about what I have learned here and I am looking forward to using the information at work and at home. This course is a very concise and straight-forward way to learn how to make simple REST APIs with Flask and Python. The instructor is easy to follow and the videos are well structured. Are you tired of boring, outdated, incomplete, or incorrect tutorials?

We’ll start with a Python refresher that will take you from the very basics to some of the most advanced features of Python—that’s all the Python you need to complete the course. This course will guide you in creating simple, intermediate, and advanced REST APIs including authentication, deployments, databases, and much more. It’s time to
gain all its superpowers to build your next Python project
faster, better, stronger.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Build & Deploy a Node.js RESTful API

In using RESTful API in programming, a developer can free up the API from the client-side technology and build the software infrastructure with fewer obstacles about partnering the API to a particular client-side stack. The pace could be a little bit faster as well as there have been several occasions where something is explained multiple times. Yes, it was, because you guys make alot of exercises and that help a lot I’ve learned a ton in this flask rest api class and the instructor does a great job of explaining everything and showing practical usage. I am a beginner in Python and Flask, but i think I have learned so much in this course that I can start applying this to my real world projects right away. Clear explanation of topics, step by step instructions to build up the API. It takes you step by step from zero knowledge about Python to developing a RESTful API using Flask for Python.

  • This course is a very concise and straight-forward way to learn how to make simple REST APIs with Flask and Python.
  • Depending on the industry, organization size/type, location, and years of experience, salaries can vary.
  • Looking forward to it and other courses~ The instructor explains in a good pace every detail to build by yourself the code incrementally.
  • RESTful API, also known as REST API, is a software architectural style.
  • It’s an amazing and well designed course, totally aplicable to real world APIs you need to build, the instructor is very clear in his lectures and provides very good support for any question you may have.
  • Jose is a careful, clear and methodical teacher who is evidently very knowledgeable about his subject matter.

Using Flask and popular extensions Flask-RESTful, Flask-JWT, and Flask-SQLAlchemy we will dive right into developing complete, solid, production-ready REST APIs. Many APIs require authentication and authorization to ensure that only authorized users can access certain endpoints. You can use Flask extensions like Flask-JWT or Flask-OAuthlib to implement authentication and authorization in your API. Here, we use the get_json method to parse JSON data sent by the client and process it as needed. Our dedicated Learning Advisors are here to help you curate a customised learning path tailored to your organisation’s needs and goals. That’s why at Talk Python Training, we offer live, online office hours.

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